
Projects In Other Sectors
Power Projects Harbor And Shipbuilding Projects Projects In Other Sectors
Locomotives and Other Railway Equipment and Facilities
Release date:2022-05-26 source:原创 browse:989
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  • UREC has  contracted dozens of large projects in Southeast Asia and American countries,  among which the supply of complete sets of equipment, mechanical and electrical  products to Myanmar and contracting of the engineering projects in the same  country involving the different fields of transportation, energy sources, agriculture  and civil constructions, etc. is especially worthy of mention. Coordinating with  Ministry of Railway, Myanmar, we have so far exported to Myanmar locomotives,  passenger carriages, railway communicating systems, railway machinery and  equipment and rails along with different kinds of relative services with the  total project amount up to US Dollars 171 million.

  • We also attached  ourselves to the railway construction projects and the supply of railway  materials, machinery and equipment administrated by KTMB, Malaysia including  the export of ballast cars and 7000 tons of rails and turnouts. Furthermore, we  also repaired and maintained hundreds of locomotive traction motors for KTMB,  Malaysia.

  • UREC has set up a  complete system on the technical maintenance and after-sale services for  railway machinery and equipment and railway engineering projects. We shall  exert continuously our absolute advantages in this field so as to achieve more  and more success in overseas’ market. 

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